Lesson 1.8 | Airports and the National Airspace

Lesson 1.8 | Airports and the National Airspace

A crucial topic, this lesson dives into the particulars of the NAS, along with airspace classifications, aviation infrastructure and FAA restrictions pertaining to airspace. Lesson dashboard also displays your progress.
Lesson 1.2 | Drone systems

Lesson 1.2 | Drone systems

Segment 3 from the ‘Drone systems’ lesson delves into drone engineering, with emphasis on multi-rotor craft. Shown here, is the video mode of the segment, which is the preferred route for more than half the students.
Lesson 1.2 | Drone systems

Lesson 1.2 | Drone systems

Segment 2 from the ‘Drone systems’ lesson delves into the definition of drones, which encompasses a broader set of machines. Segment is available in both text and video mode.
Step 1 | Training and certification

Step 1 | Training and certification

This step is focused on preparation for the FAA Part 107 examination. A comprehensive treatment of all the essential topics, with tailored reading lists and crucial assessments, along with practice exams.
Flight to the Future home screen

Flight to the Future home screen

Drill-down quickly into the Flight to the Future program. Access the active lesson, or jump to any step, view detailed metrics and gain additional perspectives by examining your progress through several benchmarks.